Romanov Fine Jewelry, LLC
7137 E. Main Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Website: romanovfinejewelry.com
Email: romanovjewelry@aol.com
The name Romanov has been a metaphor for opulence for over 300 years.
This name was selected because of its history and association with luxurious and imaginative jewels. At Romanov Fine Jewelry, their distinctive designs and exquisite workmanship have made them a favorite of Hollywood celebrities and international royalty.
Although their clientele includes people of great wealth, their prices reflect the best values in today’s market. Romanov is able to do this because they buy their gems directly from the far corners of the world and manufacture most of their pieces at Romanov.
Romanov fine Jewelry provides its clients with Over-The-Top Jewelry at Not Over-The-Top Prices!