Carstens Fine Art Studio & Gallery
7077 Main Street #5
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Website: cyndycarstens.com
Email: cyndy@cyndycarstens.com
Daily 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Closed Sunday and Wednesday
Carstens Fine Art is an artist-owned gallery and working studio representing almost exclusively the work of Cyndy Carstens. Most days you will find Carstens creating new paintings in the studio space of her gallery.
Her work is markedly vibrant, vivid and yet quietly subtle. Painting the “color of light” as reflected in the skies, mountains, lakes and deserts of the Southwest, each work observes special attention to detail and movement, composition and emotion.
A professional artist for more than 40 years, Cyndy Carstens’ work can be found in private and corporate collections across the U.S, Canada and as far away as Australia.
Carstens’ oil paintings emanate life with calm harmonies for home, office, hospitality and/or medical environments. Ranging in size from miniature to large-scale, the original oil paintings are offered at a variety of prices to fit every collector’s budget. Carstens’ paintings are in private collections across America, Canada, Europe & Australia, and in corporate collections of Intel Corporation and Banner Alzheimer’s Institute & Consortium, among others. She has also been featured in newspaper and magazine articles over the years, including Southwest Art, American Art Collector, Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine, and The Arizona Republic.
Awards and exhibitions in the United States include:
- Artist Award of Distinction, Richeson75: Landscape 2016 Exhibition, Kimberly, WI
- Artist of the Year, Sonoran Arts League
- Arizona Artists Guild Best of Show Award
- Chairman’s Award, Peoria Arts Council Annual Juried Exhibition
- Artist of Distinction Award, Manhattan Arts International, New York, New York
Site-specific commissions are welcome.
“If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.”
-Edward Hopper