Mainview Gallery
7120 East Main Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Website: mainviewgallery.com
Email: mainviewgallery@aol.com
Open daily. Please call for hours and by appointment.
Mainview proudly features paintings by Pino, Alan Wolton, Kent R. Wallis, J.D. Challenger, Dale Terbush, Chuck Sabatino, John D. Cogan, Linda-Lee-Kinman, Ed Copley, Vala Ola, Vidan and sculptures by Elie Hazak, Rodd Ambroson, Bob Boomer, James N. Muirand E.C. Wynne. These artists represent a mix of genres from landscape and figurative to still life to western themed work. Owner David Guglielmo, Arizona born and raised, has been an art-dealer/consultant in the Scottsdale area for over 25 years and welcomes your visit.